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Thought #22 – The upside down world

Imagem de capa - Thought #22  – The upside down world

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


“You still lack one thing: Sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” Luke 18.22

Jesus was talking to a very, very rich young man. It was not common for a young man to be rich; therefore, it is presumed that he had inherited his riches from his father. He knew how much an inheritance was worth, but he did not know how much a conquest was worth, for he never had to work hard to conquer anything. This young man also wanted to inherit eternal life, and this longing led him to Jesus.

However, when Jesus was straightforward and pragmatic in the answer, the young man heard what he did not want to hear and walked away sad. Actually, he did not come looking for an answer. He came looking for easiness.

But there is no easiness in the world of Jesus. Compared to the world we live in, the world of Jesus is upside down and back to front. Everything is backwards. In the world of Jesus, the last is the first, the greatest serves the smallest, and he who gives is happier than he who receives. In the world of Jesus the weak is strong, the persecuted are blessed, and the enemies must be loved. He, being rich, made Himself poor; having authority, decided to submit Himself; being a master, washed the feet of His disciples. The world of Jesus is really upside down to those who live outside of it.

Just as that rich man, many are those who do not want such a turnaround in the lives. They do want something from Jesus, but do not want their way of living to be challenged. They want things that they can only get by entering into the world of Jesus, but do not want to leave behind the things of their world in order to obtain these things. They want easiness. That is why, when they find out that the way requires sacrifice, they go away, downcast, right back into their own world.

He explained that in a different way:

“Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it” — Luke 17.33

Application: When Jesus proposes something to you that will turn your life upside down, accept the proposal. Actually, the end result will be you getting right side up.

Has Jesus ever turned your life “upside down”? Have you been hesitant to do what He asks of you for fear that it will not work? What do you think would have happened should that young man have done what Jesus told him? Leave your comment.


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