Arms and Feet of Faith
When Moses raised the rod, the wind began to blow, and the waters of the Red Sea parted.
Israel crossed that sea with dry feet.
But, when he lowered the rod, the waters returned and drowned the Egyptian army (Exodus 14.26-28). This defined the moment Israel was delivered from Egyptian slavery.
When they crossed the Jordan River, it wasn’t Joshua’s arms of faith that worked the miracle, but his obedient feet, along with those of Israel. During this crossing, Israel took possession of the Promised Land.
This means that it is not enough for a Christian to be delivered from the slavery of sin.
He must leave the desert of misery and move forward to take possession of the Promised Land.
We must take steps of faith to obtain any achievement.
The Promised Land regards all the promises made by the Lord in His Word, especially the possession of Eternal Life.
The steps of faith require sacrifice;
Sacrifices of obedience to the Word of God.
The steps of faith require you to get your feet wet to advance;
The steps of faith require sacrifice.
The fulfillment of a prophecy depends on the courage to obey the Word of God.