How often have we done everything to be accepted by the people around us and failed miserably? But I have the secret to being accepted! Learn and practice!
When Cain was rejected for the defective offering he offered to God – right after his brother Abel, whose offering was accepted – God spoke to Cain, giving him a second chance saying: “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” (Genesis 4:7).
You, who seek so much acceptance, pay attention to the words that came out of the mouth of God Himself.
People tend to seek acceptance at any price. To be accepted, people sometimes become annoying and inconvenient because they insist and beg for a chance for attention, but they forget that the secret of acceptance is that you do well (what is right).
That was God’s advice to Cain, and He meant: “Look, this time, you made a mistake. You have to evaluate what you did, and if you want to be accepted next time, do it better. I assure you that you will be accepted.”
But instead of seizing the opportunity, Cain was angry against Abel and God.
He killed Abel, thinking that this would end the problems. Some people get mad at others who do better than them, believing that they will feel better by diminishing those who do well. Cain’s “spirit” is still alive today.
God’s advice remains: if you want to be accepted, do well. And it’s not doing well to seek someone’s attention; it’s doing it with the right intention. Why was Abel accepted? Because he thought: “I’m going to present an offering to God, so how should this be?”
He chose carefully. Abel’s offering began within this respect. “My Creator is worthy to receive the best of what I have.” Abel didn’t even intend to make an exchange with God.
We should not expect applause but do our best because it is the right thing, and it’s not because the person deserves it.
This is how God treats us. Do we deserve His love? No. He loves even those who hate Him and doesn’t get anything from them but hatred. God loves atheists; he loves those who choose other gods. He has compassion for those who betray Him.
True love is the one that is expressed in doing what is right. In His wisdom, God understands that being filled with hatred and indifference will not do any good. So, He loves them anyway.
You should do your best, not because the other person deserves it, but because of your character.
Be the best wife, not because your husband deserves it, but because of your character as a woman. Be the best husband or son. Do what’s right. It’s not because your boss, colleagues, neighbours, or government deserve it, but because you are from God.
If you do well, you will certainly be accepted.
Meditate on this message in the video above and put it into practice.