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You must also have thought like me: I will question them when I meet Adam and Eve! But have you ever stopped to think that we made many more mistakes than them? It's worth watching and reflecting on.  

I’ve already spoken here and out of there countless times that when I get to Heaven, I’ll have a serious conversation with Adam and Eve: “Look, why did you eat from that tree?”


Many people have this fantasy of questioning, of rubbing what they did in the face of Adam and Eve. But, as I have been thinking a lot about this passage from the Garden of Eden lately, I would be quiet on second thought. Do you know why? Because I imagine that if I rub in their faces a “Why did you have to eat from the tree and leave an inheritance of so many problems on Earth, so many people suffered because of that decision of yours?”, they would probably follow with the answer: “Look, we did wrong, have no doubt. But we didn’t know; we had no history before us, no ancestors, and no reference to those who had already eaten from the tree and got along badly. We were the first. We disobeyed the Father; we were naive and made a bad mistake. Now, you… after everything you’ve seen that happened to us and all those before, did you still choose evil?”


So, on second thought, I would refrain from mentioning this subject; I won’t talk to them. Today, I understand. God gave me this understanding and maturity to know that we do much worse than Adam and Eve because we have a history (not only of Adam and Eve but up until our parents).


There are countless examples of choices that have always gone wrong, and even so, we often repeat our parents’ terrible choices and behaviours.


The person thinks that it will be different with them, that they will do wrong things and not be caught. I could mention numerous examples here. The human being does not learn from the mistakes of their ancestors or their own mistakes.


So, please, if you have any resentment against Adam and Eve, then put a mirror in front of you. You will understand that you have already failed and still fail every day.


We have to learn from past mistakes; that is, whenever we resist God’s “no, “we reap evil. Remember that whenever God tells us “no”, it is because His “yes” is infinitely better. And God will not always tell us “yes”. We have the choice to obey or disobey. Even the devil can’t touch that. The devil is there to try, and God is there to advise us. Only you can choose.


Understand that it was not by chance that when God created the Garden of Eden, He put the tree in the centre. Why didn’t He put it in a hard-to-reach place? It was because if there weren’t a tree in the middle of the Garden, something else would be there… And the message is: nothing can occupy the centre of our lives except God.


For our safety, God must occupy the centre of our lives. If He does not inhabit this centre, something or someone will occupy and become your god. And if that happens, you will become a slave to it and perish because of it. You will miss the Garden of Eden.


If God is at the centre of our lives, all our choices and decisions must pass through Him. And so we get it right and keep Paradise in our lives.


Watch the video above and check out the entire message.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso