I THINK SO MUCH THAT I GET STUCK! (The Zombification of the Human Being)
The bombardment of information conditions our brains so they cannot focus on anything. If you don't take control of your thoughts, you'll be doomed to become a zombie.
When we talked recently about the racing thoughts, someone said: “I think so much that I get stuck”. This statement is interesting.
Some people don’t think and get hurt, but there is also the extreme of “thinking too much”. That’s a problem. They suffer from “paralysis by analysis”; they analyse a situation so much that they do not take action. It is a lack of focus, of ability to concentrate, of finishing something that has begun. The person starts excited but gets distracted and moves on to something else. The person doesn’t leave the place because they are overwhelmed with possible outcomes. A person like this is like someone who aimlessly leaves the house in the morning.
The bombardment of information in our minds, brought by the screens, conditions our brains for this. You, who keep sliding through social media (one video after another), are training your brain not to concentrate. You slide your finger on the screen and bring new content every second. The message to the brain is: “Don’t focus too much on this content because another one will come right after”. And if you don’t undo that, you’ll become a zombie.
See what the Word of God says: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
So, if you aren’t moving forward, your mind has probably been taken over by someone who controls it. You must take your mind back and decide what to focus on. “And what should I think about?” You must put your mind on God because we know we will be safe and calm there. God will never bring us a message that hurts us. In the morning, forget the messages on your mobile phone or the news. At the beginning of the day, say: “My God, what do you want to say to me?” Ask Him to teach you how to protect your mind from information that does not bring any benefit to you (such as gossip and useless news).
Write: “When my day is over today, what should have been achieved?” What would you like to accomplish by the end of the day? What would you like to fulfil, to mark it as “done”? Focus on this. And start doing it now.
Check out the entire message in the video above.