The Story of Gideon – Part 9
The sign of the fleece
The sign of the fleece: (Judges 6:36-40)
Gideon asks God for a sign to confirm his mission. Even after seeing all those people gathered around him in response to his call, Gideon still questions whether God is really with him, as He had said from the very beginning. We see the struggle against doubt here even after going through a change in spirit. This is because the devil does not stop tempting a person with the feeling of fear, which brings forth doubt. Also, he uses the temptation that has worked their entire life. In Gideon’s case, this was fear. Gideon asks for a sign, but he is not plunged into doubt. As soon as God answers him (okay, a second time), he then believes and obeys without question.
What is interesting to see here is that God does not change.
From the very first interaction, God says that He is with Gideon. From the very beginning. Whilst Gideon changed a thousand times. Gideon believes and acts, then doubts and hides, then believes and obeys, then doubts and asks for a sign. Such is the human spirit: fickle. Whereas God is perfectly reliable, because He remains the same. It is also interesting to note God’s patience towards Gideon. He is not irritated by his unbelief. On the contrary, He understands Gideon’s hesitation and tries to help him believe, because He sees his sincerity.
We often become angry at the limitations of others and even at our own. However, God understands Gideon’s limitation, who possibly grew up in an environment of fear and doubt, and found it difficult to escape the temptation of these feelings. It is a very ingrained habit. Nonetheless, God considers the fact that when Gideon is sure, he obeys. He acts. And this is what God was looking for – someone He could use.
Therefore, we must not judge others, because only God can… because we don’t know the story and the reasons behind every action. Sometimes we do not even understand the root of our own actions! But God understands everything. And He does not look at our limitations. He looks at the potential we have to be rid of those limitations. This potential is the use of our faith, our fear of God and our obedience.
To be continued tomorrow…
Don’t miss it!