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Don’t be discouraged if you are going through a difficult time; it will pass. However, if you are in the best phase of your life, stay strong and attentive because this will pass too. So, never look back or settle, but move forward to the challenges that await you.

Neither success nor failure is permanent. Both pass. You must have this awareness because everything passes. The wise King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes (1:4), “One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever.” In other words, everything passes, and the cycle continues.

Therefore, if you are successful in some area of your life, be aware that this is not forever. Look at history’s successful names (great singers, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and companies). Others took their places, and some passed away. Some are known to the older ones, but the new generation does not know who they are. So, success is fleeting. And, most of the time, a person maintains fame only because of something they accomplished in the past.

I’m not trying to throw a “bucket of cold water” on you. I want to wake you up. But don’t be proud if you are achieving financial success. Don’t let yourself be carried away by vanity. Don’t step on those you consider small. Success will pass. Don’t lean on it.

Faith teaches us that we can never dwell on what we did yesterday. Thank God if we had a straight, honest life concerning God until yesterday. Today, I have to start all over again.

“The righteousness of the righteous man shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression; as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall because of it in the day that he turns from his wickedness; nor shall the righteous be able to live because of his righteousness in the day that he sins” (Ezekiel 33:12).

God is the God of the present, of the now. You may say, “I have always walked the straight path. So, I will allow myself to sin because I have a lot of credit with God.” It is not how it works. All you have to do is consider a marriage. If you were faithful to your wife for 20 years and in the 21st year, you had an act of infidelity, what’s the point? You threw away everything you built. Be careful; we must not get tired of doing good.

And this also applies to those who are failing. If success is temporary, you won’t stay in failure forever (unless you give in to it). Many people are homeless because they think they have no reason to live anymore, which is a situation of permanent failure.

You may have failed financially and spiritually. Perhaps you were morally bankrupt (cheating on your wife, your family doesn’t want you anymore). This failure will pass, too. It is temporary. But if you keep walking, you’ll have better days ahead. Don’t keep living in the past, in your defeats. Who doesn’t have frustration in life? Who has never lost something they wanted to achieve so much? That’s part of it. Don’t roll around in the mud. Stand up! Let’s go! The failure will also pass, and you can use everything that happened as a story of success. Then, failure will become a success. And when you become successful, know that you shouldn’t stop and settle.

Think about it as you watch the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso