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Rescued from hell

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Dear Bishop Macedo,

My name is Luana, I just turned 30, and if it weren’t for you maybe this wouldn’t have ever happened.

I am from the interior of Bahia, Brazil. God pulled me out of nothingness and brought me to live in the United States. The only thing I did in Brazil was finish school, which was done with great effort. I am fluent in English and Spanish without ever having gone to school for it.

The reason for this letter is to thank you for letting God use you as an instrument to save souls.

When I was 13 years old, all I thought about was committing suicide. The first time I tried, I took over 30 anxiety pills, because I thought it would make me go to sleep and never wake up again, but nothing happened. I hated myself so much, I was so angry with myself, that I couldn’t even explain it. This is what gave me the courage to try to take my life.

My mother and I sought help in various places, such as voodoo, spiritism, the Catholic church, but nothing helped and my life was still a living hell.

Until one day I heard your radio program at night. I didn’t know who you were, nor had I ever heard about the Universal Church, but I remember this being the only time of day that I liked and felt some sort of peace. However, there was still that voice telling me to take my life.

Until I tried for the second time. This time I was set on taking rat poison. At that moment, right before committing the act, I said a prayer for the first time in my life and told God that I was going to take my life, but if this was not His will, He would have to remove those suicidal thoughts and hatred from my mind.

That moment was unforgettable! At that instant I had an experience with God, because I called on the name of Jesus. I was overcome with peace, and a sense of freedom! The hatred I had for myself and the evil thoughts, disappeared right there and then.

I hadn’t heard of the Universal Church’s work until then. Thank God, through the Holy Spirit, who used you, I was delivered and saved by the mercy of God.

I thank God every day for your life.

Thank you for teaching me the right Path, teaching me about Jesus!

Because you allowed yourself to ​​be used by God, me and many other souls were saved and redeemed from hell.

May God greatly bless you and your family today and always!

Sincere regards,

Luana Watson