Evil servant, evil eyes
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10.4-5
God gives us weapons to destroy the devil’s arguments, because they must be destroyed by us so that we will not be trapped in their strongholds.
This is why all those who fall, sin, leave the Work of God, do not sacrifice, etc. have an excuse for their actions, and this is the devil’s stronghold.
Eve, Adam, Cain, and so on had an excuse.
I believe that depending on each person’s inclination, the devil elaborates an argument that, humanly speaking, is full of logic and convincing to those who do not examine themselves or use reason.
The evil servant accepted the excuse that his master was wicked, instead of examining himself and acknowledging that he should always be corrected, because he was negligent. This is where he began to have evil eyes.
Because of the devil’s arguments:
The fallen angels saw God with evil eyes;
Eve saw God with evil eyes;
Cain saw God with evil eyes…
What we come across the most nowadays is excuses and evil eyes from Eves, Cains, and evil servants.
For this reason, we should always pray, “God, don’t let us fall into temptation. Keep us from falling into the temptation of accepting the devil’s excuses to try to justify obeying our own will.”