John 21: Forget the fish
This is our last comment of the purpose – that’s why it’s longer than others. But it’s worth reading to the end.
John’s account ends with another encounter between Jesus and His disciples, after His resurrection. This time they’re by the sea of Galilee. After His resurrection Jesus remains 40 more days – showing signs, teaching, disciplining and preparing the disciples to begin the church.
In this particular meeting, only seven of the eleven were present. Where were the other four? The last time, Thomas wasn’t present, and missed out on the first encounter with the Lord. But this time it mentions that he was among the seven. Seems like he learned his lesson: his place was with the disciples.
Many Christians miss out on blessings and spiritual opportunities of growth because their not present in church, they don’t congregate with the other disciples who are serving the Lord. They want Jesus to appear to them individually. Notice that every time the Lord Jesus appears to the disciples, they are together. Do you see people who serve God with sincerity and readiness in church? Then ban together with them, if you want to receive more from God. “Whenever two or three are gathered in My name, there I will be.” It’s not that God avoids people who are alone.. It’s that He honors those who want to serve Him along with others, because together we can do more.
This whole fishing scene seems to have huge symbolism. After all, Jesus never did or said anything just because. Why did He choose that place and moment to appear to them?
After the events of the last days. The disciples were a bit lost in regards to what they would do. Peter suddenly had the idea: “I’m going fishing.” While the others simply decided to accompany him.
We know that Peter was a fisherman. But from the time of His encounter with Jesus, he had been invited to leave his nets and become a fisherman of men. Was he thinking of going back to the life of a fisherman? Was he thinking that “it was good while it lasted,” but now that the Lord was not by their sides they needed to feed themselves, and find a way to return to “normal,” and take care of their lives?
We don’t know what was going through his head, but the lesson the Lord Jesus given on beach is very clear. With just one word, He helped them to have an abundant catch. When they reached the shore, Jesus already had the fish and bread waiting for them, and once again He gave them something to eat. The message was: “Don’t worry about fish and food, you won’t have a shortage as long as you’re with Me. Get out of the sea and go after the people! They’re the ones who need you. You’re fisherman of men, remember? Take care of My sheep and I will take care of you.”
How many times do we want to go back to our old lives, it’s like we miss the pre-Jesus life. It’s not that we miss the suffering, clearly, but we can be tempted by those things which brought us pleasure. We have to take care that we don’t walk backwards.
How many were called to save souls, but as time went by they started to worry only about themselves?
See also how Jesus rewards abundantly. When He appeared amongst the disciples days earlier and behind closed doors, “they presented Him a piece of fried fish.” (Luke 24:42) It was all they had. But now, He gives to them a hundred times more: 153 large fish. Who can give more to God than what He can give to us? How can you be stingy or afraid to give the crumbs in your hands, when it’s nothing compared to our Lord, who with one word can order His riches to come into our hands?
The other part of this chapter shows how Jesus dealt with Peter’s mistake of having denied Him three times. He didn’t beat him up, humiliate him, neither did he throw his failure in his face. He knew Peter had already wept bitterly and punished himself. Surely Jesus saw Peter’s sadness, which surfaced again as the Lord asked him the same thing three times. Divine sadness is good, it produces repentance. Many don’t feel sad because of their sin, that’s why they never repent and never overcome sin. (2 Corinthians 7:10)
Because the Lord saw that Peter had sincerely repented, he was practical and simply focused on what he should do from now on. The past was over. If you’ve stopped doing wrong, what’s important now is what you’re going to do to get it right.
But the Lord still had another lesson for Peter, who would worry too much about what others were doing, as he competed with them. That’s why the Lord asked, “Do you love me more than these others.”
Before denying him, Peter had said: ““Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be.” (Mark 14:29) He thought himself stronger, more capable and faithful than his colleagues. We shouldn’t consider ourselves better than others. Even though we should seek to be better than others, in a humble spirit we should stimulate others who are better than us, because we know our weaknesses better than the weaknesses of others. Even faith and holiness can make us proud.
But even after that question, Peter still didn’t get that he needed to worry about himself and not about the lives of others. When the Lord had asked him to follow Him, Peter went, but he looked back and saw that John also accompanied them. Since Jesus just finished saying the type of death Peter would suffer, he also wanted to know what would happen to John. And that’s when Jesus gives him one in the jaw: “what is that to you?”
Taking care of our own lives is work enough. We can’t take care of the lives of others.
And it’s with this warning that we end this Purpose. Take care of your own life. As you’ve perceived in this book, it’s very precious. It’s price was the very life of the Son of God. Through this price, you also received the right to be a child of God. The same invitation Jesus made to Peter, He makes to you now: “follow Me.”
What should you do now?
- Start to be a follower of Christ. Leave religion, whichever one it may be, because they’re all man-made systems that tangle you up more than help you out. Leave it and begin to cultivate a real relationship with God through His Son.
- Continue meditating on the Word of God. Notice how this purpose strengthened you. Why stop? Meditate on the Bible, it will help you get to know Him better and strengthen your faith every day. Go to a church where the Bible is lived by its preachers, and unite with other Christians who have the same spirit. A strong church which will make you strong. But don’t go there to take care of the lives of others. Yours is enough.
- Help others to get to know Jesus. After taking care of your salvation, this is your biggest responsibility. What God gives you is not only for you. The best way to present Jesus to others is to really live like His brother. Let your light shine. And take advantage of every opportunity to speak about Him to someone.
Lastly, I have a request. If the John Purpose blessed you, convince at least three others to do it. Send them this link and motivate them to participate. They can start when they want. This is the best way you can please me – leading others to know this Jesus who changed my life and now yours!
Thank you. Peace!
P.S Continue visiting this blog to acquire spiritual intelligence.