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Rebuke me, please

Imagem de capa - Rebuke me, please

Part 4 of 7 – click here for part I
Part 3 of 7
Part 2 of 7

Let the righteous strike me; it shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; it shall be as excellent oil; let my head not refuse it. — Psalm 141:5

Who likes to be rebuked? I don’t about you, but I feel a mixture of shame and anger. I hate it. However, there are some dangers to it. One of them is trying to be a perfectionist and do everything right in order not to be rebuked. Perfectionists usually make the mistake of being too fussy and slow. They want to do everything in a perfect manner, and so they take too long to complete their tasks—which results in them being rebuked anyway…

Another danger is anger. The anger that comes when we are rebuked is, to some extent, normal. You can turn your anger to good account when you channel it into correcting your mistakes. But if you don’t control it, it can turn into grudges or even pride, and you’ll not accept the rebuke.

Many times you’ll be rebuked for a good reason—even by people you love. Take a look at how the psalmist solved this problem: “Let the righteous correct me! They’ll be doing me a big favor! I’m honored that they bother to correct me.”

That’s it! There goes away the shame, the anger, the grudges, the pride… and every other bad feeling that is conjured up from that rebuke.

Decide that from now on you’ll also be humble and accept fair correction or rebuke. It’s you who will win.



This is the fourth part of a seven-day meditation on Psalm 141. If you wish to do it from the start, then start here. Here’s how to join in:

  1. Read Psalm 141 in your Bible and meditate on its words throughout this week.
  2. Make a prayer request to God for your love life (or any other area where there is a more urgent need) during the morning hours for seven days as of today.
  3. Be specific in your request; write it down on a sheet of paper and keep it in your Bible, on the page of Psalm 141.
  4. Log on to this blog daily and read the messages that will follow.
  5. On the seventh day (March 26), take your request to the Love Therapy meeting nearest to you and give it to the pastor in charge.
  6. This is optional: invite someone, who is in need of this, to join you in doing this challenge.

Let’s do this challenge together. Do exactly as instructed. Have faith that your request will be answered.


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