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thumb do blog Bishop Macedo

All or nothing!


I held a meeting in the Philippines with the bishops responsible for our churches in Asia. One of them expressed his difficulties in reaching out to Buddhists. I told him that there are no impassable barriers when it comes to having faith in God’s promises. Of course, there is a price to pay!

Abraham challenged God by saying: “What is it worth to have you as my shield and my exceedingly great reward if I do not have children?” (Genesis15.1,2).

His answer from God was immediate, in the form of a sacrificial covenant.

Gideon also answered the Lord with great audacity when he said: “If the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us?” (Judges 6.13).

Again, the response was immediate. God chose him to free Israel…

I believe that every true Christian will eventually have to face a situation where they need to make a pragmatic decision: either God is or God isn’t! It’s all or nothing! Life or death!

What is unacceptable is to do things half way!

I said to him: if you don’t take on an attitude of revolt against this situation, nothing will change! The problem isn’t because of the hardened heart of Buddhists, but because of your own feeble heart. This is a problem only you can solve!

How long will we put up with these problems that we already know are not from God?

My dear reader, there are times in our life that there is no other way out! Either we are from God or we aren’t! Either He’s with us or He’s not!

How do we know? You can only find out by putting His Word to the test!

God permits these situations to happen so that we can better understand where our spiritual level stands.

Taking these actions will exclude the hypocrites and separate them from the chosen.

This is the only path that will bring answers to those who are from God!