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Called, but not chosen

Imagem de capa - Called, but not chosen

The Holy Spirit is not for just anyone.

Take a look at the list of those who were called, but not chosen:

It is not for those who think it’s a good idea;

It is not for those who consider themselves righteous and holy;

It is not for the religious;

It is not for adventure seekers;

It is not for fanatics;

It is not for the wise and knowledgeable;

It is not for doctors in theology;

It is not for those who think highly of themselves;

It is not for hypocrites;

It is not for the curious;

It is not for those who have sorrow in their heart;

It is not for the friends of unrighteousness;

It is not for those who live and love sin;

It is not for those who love this world;

It is not for those who are satisfied;

It is not for those who want to speak in tongues;

It is not for those who have other priorities;

It is not for those who have denied Jesus in their lives;

It is not for the selfish, egocentric, and proud;

Much less for the greedy or penny pinchers;

It is not for those who want to solve personal problems;

Much less for those who want to realize their own dreams and desires.