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Church of the Fire

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The Church of the Spirit is the Church of Fire. When there is no fire, it is because the Spirit of God is missing.

In fact, this is the spiritual condition of many Christians. When they are warm or cold, it is due to a lack of heat. More precisely, the lack of the Fire of God.

But why is the Fire missing? The Fire is missing because fuel is missing.

When did the Fire of God come down without a sacrifice?

There is no Fire as long as there is no sacrifice, just like there is no new birth or new life until the person’s will dies for the world!

“Believe in the Lord and you will be saved” implies much more than simply accepting Him as Savior or believing in His existence.

Such belief has to do with the renunciation of one’s own will for the sake of God’s will.

This is what the Lord Jesus teaches when He says:

…unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. John 12.24

It’s all for all or nothing for nothing!

It’s all of your unhappy life for the abundant life that was promised!

When there is not total and unconditional surrender, nothing can be done…

If you believe in the Lord Jesus and think that this is enough, count how many were around you also believing and eating the same “our daily bread” of bitterness…