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Covenant with God

The Lord Jesus did not come on earth to bring the kind of peace where the whole world will get along with each other like a fairy tale story, its impossible! As long as darkness exists there will always be war between light and darkness, therefore making it hard for peace to reign on this earth.

When you have a covenant with God, you have light and are at peace with God. And even then you will always encounter people that have incredulous thoughts and behave differently from you. You can come across these people in your workplace and where you live. You can even find these people in church. This is because unfortunately they don’t have a covenant with God and when one does not have a covenant with God its not surprising for them to be incredulous and can be used by evil to rise against you.

The fact of the matter is, when you have a vision of God’s greatness you’re considered crazy because of your faith in His Word. When you challenge God by placing your offering on the altar or when you sacrifice, people think you’re insane. When you did things for the devil, no one questioned you and you didn’t have any problems but now that you’re doing things for God your questioned and thought of as being abnormal. Because of the co-existence between light and darkness it’s impossible for they’re to be peace. The Lord Jesus left us a weapon, a sword, not a physical sword but a spiritual and infallible sword. It has to be used, otherwise darkness prevails. Abraham used this weapon with perseverance.

Every time you come to church, you have the opportunity to grow stronger with this weapon. The subjects of conversation are quite different here than from what you hear at work or at home. There, you encounter doubt; here, you receive faith. Not to mention that people spend more time at home or work than in church. God doesn’t want disunion to exist in a family, but if the father is light and his son is darkness, or if the mother is light and her daughter is darkness, or if the daughter-in-law is light and the mother-in-law is darkness, there’ll surely be conflict and war. Therefore, there’s dire need to put the sword into practice with perseverance so that darkness is destroyed.

Before, you loved your father and mother more than the Lord Jesus. Now, because of your unconditional covenant with Him, they are now second place, however the devil makes mothers think they’ve lost their child and husbands think they’ve lost their wife; this is the cross that those who have a covenant with God must carry. What must you do to be victorious and stay in the faith? Be faithful to the covenant you have with God.

Bishop Romualdo Panceiro