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Credentials of a servant

Imagem de capa - Credentials of a servant

“Moses, my servant…” – the Lord said to Joshua.

The credential of a servant of God is not his title. Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, master, bishop, assistant, doctor in theology, philosophy, or something similar does not characterize a true servant.

The credentials of a servant of God are to serve Him.

Because of this, he is dead to sin, dead to the world, dead to his family and dead to himself.

His life does not belong to him, his family does not belong to him, not even his personal belongings belong to him.

All that concerns him belongs to his Lord.

He lives to serve Him.

His Lord is the Only reason to live.

He does not live, but his Lord lives in him.

He does not justify himself, but the Lord justifies him.

His service is not restricted to the altar, the church, or his office.

Where he is there the servant of the Most High will be.

God the Father and God the Son will honor the servant with God the Holy Spirit. John 12.26

There are no holidays, no vacations or any kind of rest. The Lord is the Strength of his rest.

The Lord serves Himself of his life 24 hours a day for the rest of his life.

His service begins on Earth and extends to Heaven for all eternity.

The servant of the Lord Jesus Christ lives to serve Him.

The reward of a servant of God is the privilege of being called My servant by the Lord.

This is what happened with Moses and all the rest…

Have you been a servant?

Do you still want to be a servant?