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Cursed Wealth

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Cursed or fraudulently acquired wealth generates a cursed inheritance, which results in cursed heirs. And when a curse is inherited, it affects finances, health, and above all, love life, marriage, family, everything. There is no money, no gold, no inheritance, nothing that can guarantee deliverance from a curse since it is an evil spirit with authority over those who live in sin. The only way to escape from him is by making a covenant with God and obeying His Word.

When possessions, material wealth or anything else associated with evil is acquired, it is certain that the spirits responsible for curses will command the lives of those involved with them. As the prophecy says:

Woe to him (cursed) who covets evil gain (through robberies, corruption, tricks and lies) for his house (for himself and his family), that he may set his nest on high (to ensure success), that he may be delivered from the power of disaster! Habakkuk 2:9

It is good to remember the rich man who, having prospered exceedingly, said to himself:

I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”

Immediately, the Lord God said to him:

‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ Luke 12:19-20

The truth is, no matter how wealthy a person may be when it is acquired unfairly or sinfully, it will be cursed. Such curse will perpetuate in the life of this family and for all its generations. It is the effect of the sin committed by Adam and Eve, which has since promoted death for all generations.

The spirit of curse is the spirit of sin, of injustice, of rebellion to the Word of God, but the Spirit of the Blessing is the Spirit of Righteousness, Submission, and obedience to the Holy Scriptures, which guarantees blessings and protection from all evil.

…So a curse without cause shall not alight. Proverbs 26.2