Don’t Trust the Opinions of Your Heart!
We think that only unbelievers act from the heart, but this is not true...
“He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered.” Proverbs 28.26
The reason why many people fall is none other than the foolishness of trusting the opinion that their heart has about itself.
We think that only unbelievers act from the heart, but that is not true. All the problems we have seen in the evangelical world originate from those who trusted in their emotions, their strength, their righteousness, their own advice and feelings.
That is when an inordinate love for their own desires comes in – the desire to be treated better, to have a higher position, to please their flesh…
Well, do we really believe the verse that says “The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked”? Have we not seen more foolish Christians than wise ones? More lost people than saved ones within the church?
Let us allow the testimony of life itself to speak for each person. There are so many wrong decisions and rash choices that end with self-inflicted suffering. This proves that a person’s actions were not the fruit of God’s counsel, for when we listen to Him, we are always guided towards what is good and righteous.
Therefore, instead of walking according to your heart and its foolishness, dare to experience the fullness of life that is to walk according to the Word!
The one who obeys the Word “walks in wisdom and will be saved” because they keep themselves from the pride, self-confidence and daydreams that is the human will.
He who walks in wisdom is humble and entirely dependent on the power of the Most High. Day after day he fills his heart with “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report…” Philippians 4.8