Faith and Trust
These two words have a similar meaning, but they are very different. For example, it is one thing to have faith to get married. The hard part is having the faith to remain married. This is where trust comes in. Trust is the continuation of faith. The greater the cultivation of faith, the greater the trust.
I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread. Psalm 37.25
King David had a lot of experience, both with faith and with trust in God. As a young man, he gathered wonderful experiences by acting by faith. Because of this, he learned to trust the Author of his faith. Despite the seriousness of his mistakes, he kept his trust intact. The care he had for his faith kept him humble to acknowledge his sin and be forgiven. It was enough to keep his name written in the Book of Life.
Faith depends on trust to maintain the achievements it provides. Many conquests of faith are lost because of the loss of faith. Of course! Whoever succeeds by faith will lose his success if he loses the faith.
Many illnesses, cured through faith, return because of the absence of faith or because the person’s faith becomes ill. This happens because people are unaware of the fact that if you win by faith, you can lose what you conquered by doubt. The foolish become relaxed in the faith that led him to conquer. When this happens, doubts advance and soon neutralize the power of faith, which will lead the person to failure.
Just like faith is power, doubt is also power. As long as the power of faith is active, the power of doubt loses its strength. But when the power of faith becomes relaxed, then the power of doubt will obviously prevail.
Faith increases spiritual immunity; however, when this immunity becomes low because of the absence of faith, the power of doubt prevails and spiritual immunity weakens the conquests of faith.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes… For in it (the Gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written… Romans 1.16-17
This is why the care and maintenance of the faith are mandatory, because the person becomes worthy (righteous) before God. This is a very important fact that cannot be overlooked. Faith must be cared for and maintained if its achievements are to be lasting.
It is not hard to conquer, but it is hard to maintain what was conquered. This is only possible through the power of trust.