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God of Hatred

Imagem de capa - God of Hatred

He who is of God hears God’s words… John 8.47

But whoever preaches or teaches this Word must be the first to practice it.

In this message the Lord Jesus separates the tares from the wheat, defining who is His and who is not. He does this to alert the true servants.

When a person is born of God, the greatest and most evident characteristic is the change in their character. No matter how clever, liar or deceitful, after being born again, the person is transformed from water to wine.

I am a living witness to this. I remember my bad attitude. Forgiveness was not part of my life. I didn’t talk to my sister for 2 years. I was temperamental and easily got upset. But, after being born of the Spirit, I became like a child. Everything changed within me. I surprised myself and my family, to the point where they didn’t recognize my behavior at home. My thoughts and goals changed, consequently so did my attitude. Everyone noticed the huge difference in my behavior and manner of speaking.

Sometimes, because of the problems caused by people with a bad character, we get angry. But, this quickly passes. And when anger insists on staying, I pray for them and soon inner peace reigns again. Living with a peaceful conscience is wonderful.

I have seen the evil that the spirit of hatred, confusion, and deceit has done in the harvest of my God. I know there is a risk of death while the Lord Jesus is not formed within the novices in the faith. The devil knows too. This is why his hatred grows and spreads. I feel my soul agonizing. But, what can I do? Force the unwary to stay, I can’t do that. I hope, by faith, that one day the penny drops, they repent and return to their first love.

I understand the words of Paul when he said:

…for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formedin you. Galatians 4.19

Greed for success at any price instigates a lack of fear and respect for the Work of God. And worst: promotes rebellion. Unfortunately, this problem has always been present in the history of building the Kingdom of God in our hearts. Therefore, I suggest you meditate on the following text as a form of alertness.

He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.John 8.47

This is, those who do not practice the words of the Lord Jesus are not of God.