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God’s valiant ones

Overcoming the Amalekites, Midianites, and the people from the East was simply impossible. The enemies were innumerable, like sand on the seashore. That’s why God chose Gideon, who had a spirit of revolt. Those who have this spirit are brave and fearless, and with God they become powerful in war.

A person who revolts has the power to defeat evil, however powerful it might seem. His weapon is his FAITH MANIFESTED THROUGH SACRIFICE. When he finishes presenting his sacrifice on the altar, he becomes stronger. The sacrifice is what unites the strength of those who revolt with the power of God. In fact, their sacrifice is a sign of their partnership with God.

The sign of Gideon’s revolt and partnership with God was the giving of his second bull. When a sacrifice like that is given it’s all or nothing, and what cannot happen is for the enemy to prevail. Those who revolt are known on the battlefield; their vision is to win the war.

The vision of those who are complacent is just to get a little better. And for this reason, they end up losing everything. No one who is complacent can win a battle, let alone a war.

God is calling the brave to war!

Bishop Romualdo Panceiro