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He wants to do 3 things in you!

Imagem de capa - He wants to do 3 things in you!


God – the Holy Spirit always raises a “curiosity” in mankind, because we can only know God in His entirety once He is living where He belongs: within each one of us!

Have you ever wondered: Why does God want to baptize me with His Spirit, the Holy Spirit? What does God want to do in me through the Holy Spirit? What is His true objective?

Is it to:

– Heal?

– Deliver?

– Prosper?

– Have a fulfilling love life?

– Restore your family?

No! The answer is definitely no! And the proof is that God does all this and more with the use of intelligent Faith, through each person’s voluntary sacrifices. I am proof of this! Before being baptized in water and with the Holy Spirit, I had experiences with the power of God in my life and health. But, I only had a personal experience with God after my baptism with the Holy Spirit!

Observe what God reveals and addresses through His infallible Word: Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. 1 Samuel 10.6

Notice that the Holy Spirit wants to do 3 things in you!

1st POSSESS YOU (“come upon you”). Which means: to seize; lord over; conquer. God, better than us, knows that when we are not possessed by His Spirit, we are possessed by our own will. And there lies a great danger, which at first seems harmless, but is very dangerous. Because demons can only dominate, possess someone, once the person allows himself be possessed by his own will (feelings, emotions, fantasies…).

2nd  USE YOUR MIND, MOUTH, BODY… to think, speak and live as He wants (“prophesy with them“), so that other lives are delivered, transformed and saved. He wants you to work, prophesy to relatives, friends, enemies, unbelievers, the rich and the poor… with us, His servants. But only those who live what is written can prophesy. It’s not enough to know what is written, it is necessary to practice, and only those who are baptized with the Holy Spirit have the power, strength, willingness, courage, etc. to do this. When you live what is written, then, you can Prophesy and see it happen in the lives of those who are listening to what is being Prophesied!

3rd BE CHANGED-TRANSFORMED a new man/woman (“be turned into another man“). So everyone may see, perceive and recognize that you are no longer the same person as before. Notice that God wants others to see this new person. Do you know what your new name will be? Son of God! This transformed person is the image and likeness of the Living God, the Son of God. Everyone should be able to see and recognize your character, personality and life as an impeccable example.

But, why hasn’t He been able do this in all those who claim to be His (of God)?

If God Promised to Baptize with the Holy Spirit.

If God Wants to Baptize with the Holy Spirit.

If God Can Baptize with the Holy Spirit.

Because of the numerous concerns that many people have in their minds. They worry about so many things and stop worrying about what is most important: The Holy Spirit!

Therefore, make the decision to place your worries in the Hands of God at this very moment, because if you do, today the Holy Spirit will come upon you, if you give 100%, so that He may make you His child!