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thumb do blog Bishop Macedo

Here I am!

Imagem de capa - Here I am!

Good morning,

First I would like to thank you for the kindness, care, attention and dedication that you showed me.

I must confess that I already had my expectations. I’ve always admired both of you very much because of who you are, but I had never really spoken to you. However, today I can see how you two are so similar… Both exude the essence of the Lord Jesus.

I love Mrs. Viviane very much, I truly love her. I would give my life for hers; because it was through her and Godllywood that I have, live and enjoy this sublime God, who transformed me into who I am today.

They (Bishop Julio Freitas and Mrs. Viviane) believed in me when I no longer believed. They welcomed me when men had forsaken me, and loved me when I was rejected. I will be eternally grateful for everything they have done and who they are. They saved my soul, rescued my life form hell, loved me without second intentions. I didn’t have anything to offer them, other than past traumas, inferiority complexes, fears, and a bunch of burdens that I carried within. But even so, they saw me as an opportunity and took care of me as a soul.

There is no way that I cannot be grateful to you two. It is impossible to remain indifferent about this love, that only those who have Him, know what I’m talking about and sacrifice every day to the Lord Jesus.

I had already imagined (because I did not know you personally) that your posture and character came from a good upbringing, but now my eyes see clearly. This is the foundation of the Church of the Lord Jesus, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.

I know I’m small, but when David defeated Goliath, he was small too.

I want to be able to serve you better than how I have served anyone else in my life. It’s the least I can offer, in exchange for everything that I have received. This is what’s inside me, it’s what I desire the most at this moment. And I know who’s with me, so I know I can do it.

I am completely at your disposal.

I want to learn, I want to practice, I want to be useful, I want to serve God, in Spirit and in Truth.

“Here I am!… Speak Lord, for Your servant hears.” 1 Samuel 3.10

A big hug!

Heidi Morais