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I read all the comments that are left on my blogs, the pros and the cons. It no longer surprises me when those who feel alienated from the Christian faith criticise us. If they did it to Jesus, why wouldn’t they do it to His servants? But what baffles me is the level of foolishness among those who use scripture to condemn homosexuals. Does the Bible appoint judges? For example, does the fact that we’re Jesus’ disciples automatically make us perfect enough to judge and condemn homosexuals?

Unfortunately, one of the biggest factors that prevent many from knowing the Saviour and understanding the message of the Gospel is the arrogance of many church goers who consider themselves believers and followers of the Word, but can only point their finger, criticise and attack others, but never show a sign of love or a gesture of respect.

Someone who is prejudiced tends to think of himself as an ideal human being, condemning and ostracizing all others who differ from him. A “Christian” that loathes another person is a contradiction. They’re not only snubbing their neighbour but they’re also reducing their neighbours’ odds of knowing God’s compassion, and ultimately excluding them from receiving salvation.

The only way of demonstrating God’s love, especially to those who have been excluded, is with real gestures of welcome, consideration, respect, and solidarity. This is the way to obediently practice His command: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

The same Bible that condemns homosexuality also condemns any kind of sin, but the Lord Jesus welcomes everyone without discrimination. If we condemn homosexuals, then we would also be condemning ourselves. Who doesn’t sin? What’s the difference between a little sin and a big sin? God doesn’t discriminate.

The image that people sell of themselves may convince others of their appearance of holiness but God sees what’s in our heart and there is no way of disguising that.

I’ll never defend the homosexual lifestyle, but I’ll always have faith to help both homosexuals as well as heterosexuals who are willing to lay their pain, suffering and weaknesses at the feet of the One who wants to save them. I just don’t have faith to put up with hypocrites.

I recommend that intolerant “Christians” meditate on the following passage:

“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6)