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I made a sacrifice, now what?

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Therefore do not throw away your CONFIDENCE, which will be greatly rewarded. For you need PATIENCE, so that after you have done the WILL OF GOD, you will receive the promise. For, “In yet a little while, He who is to come will come, and will not wait. Now the just shall LIVE BY FAITH; but if anyone draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the SAVING OF THE SOUL. Hebrews 10:35-39 

1st – CONFIDENCE: When we hear the Voice of God, like Abraham, we need the courage to obey it. After hearing His voice and surrendering our lives on the Altar, we need to trust in His character and believe that He will do what He promised. We shouldn’t look at our circumstances, but rather focus on His promises.

2nd – PATIENCE: Perseverance is not an option, it’s crucial to faith. But only those who are sure that their faith is not in vain can persevere. After the angels brought the news that Abraham and Sarah would have a son, he had to persevere in the belief that he would be holding his son within a year (Genesis 18:10).

3rd – THE WILL OF GOD: A true sacrifice is when we place what God asks for on the Altar, including what we are and our own will. God will never go against His own will, and so we need to ask ourselves if what we are asking for is according to His will.

4th – LIVE BY FAITH: God doesn’t call us to the Altar just to play around. He doesn’t want us to just to go up to the Altar, He wants us to start living by faith, living according to His Word. He doesn’t want us to cross our arms after we manifest our faith on the Altar.

5th – SAVING OF THE SOUL: We have seen many people conquer many things by faith, who afterwards did not use their faith to stay strong. The reason for this is that they were not concerned about the most important possession and the greatest reason to go up to the Altar: SALVATION OF THE SOUL.

When your victories come, be careful not to abandon your faith by making them your god, and while you’re waiting for your victories, keep trusting.

Collaboration: Bishop André Cajeu