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I never knew you!

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If you are not being led by Righteousness, you are doomed to fail, whether or not you are preaching the Gospel, healing the sick or delivering the oppressed.

What good is it to do charities, help the poor, pray, fast, read the Bible and attend Church meetings if you are still involved with promiscuous behavior, adultery, theft, lying, etc.?

What good is it to help save others and lose your own soul?

What good is it to speak in tongues and tell lies at the same time?

Jesus warned:

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.” Matthew 23.23

Justice means a righteous life, honorable, correct, unblemished, separate from sin.

Authentic Christianity requires that your actions be guided by justice.

Neither, mercy or faith, are able to overcome justice.

What good is it to manifest your love and faith (prophesy, cast out demons and do many miracles in the Name of the Lord), and live in sin, unrighteousness?

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” Matthew 7.21-23

Lord, Lord… (only Christians regard Jesus as Lord);

Prophesy… (Preach the Kingdom of God);

Cast out demons…;

Done many wonders … (Heal the sick, etc..)

In the Name of Jesus are works of love and faith.

However, what is are these things worth if along with them there is also a manifestation of bad character?

The verdict of these supposed Christians will be: I never knew you!

The practice of good works does not give you the right to live in sin.

Is it possible to please God without faith? No!

But if this kind of faith is accompanied by sin, big or small, it will certainly please the devil in a great way.

God is Justice, Light, Holy, Pure.

How would He ever accept to have communion with unrighteousness? With darkness? With what is profane? With what is impure?

What benefit would an adulterer, a promiscuous person or an unjust person have by doing the “Work” of God?

What benefit does a liar have in preaching the truth?

What benefit does a deceiver have in teaching the Bible?

What benefit does a person with a bad character have in wearing a uniform, working as an assistant and “helping” others?

Is it possible for these works to cover up their sins?

Read Fatima’s testimony:

Good morning, Bishop!

I listen to your program every day, and when it repeats, I listen to it again. I never get tired of learning from you. I always go to the meetings on Sunday, in the morning and in the afternoon. I listen to your program on the radio and  UCKG TV and heard you speak of do not do business with people UCKG, especially the Work.

Three years ago, I went into business with an assistant, and like you said, she only sought out her own profit and gain. Today the case is in court. I don’t want a penny from her, though I paid more than half of her part of the debt. I just want my name off that contract I signed, and that it be voided, because she was very arrogant, a mercenary. 

Unfortunately, I have to say this, but at the time I thought that everyone who did the work of God had a good character. Today I take care of myself, I stay away from them. All I want is to have a commitment with God, maintain a good character, be righteous and be faithful. 

I pray for her every night. I have no anger or hatred towards her, I pray to God in her favor.

God bless you and your family more and more, always.