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I was robbed!

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During 4 years, I heard everyone talking about a structure that would be built in the Bras region. I closely followed pastors, assistants, youths and evangelists work constantly to raise funds by holding events, campaigns, bazaars… everything was being done in favor of helping with the construction of the Temple of Solomon –which began with a simple act of faith–, and out of obedience, I went along, and helped out with everything.

I have been an assistant for 11 months and I am honest enough to admit that I did not understand the spirituality of this Holy Place. I was only able to fully understand a few months ago, while I was working on a school project near the construction site. This was when I saw that the Temple was nearly finished.

When I saw the Temple, I just stood there in awe, admiring it for a few minutes, and I had an experience with God that strengthened me. From that day on, my anticipation grew just thinking about the day when I would set foot in that extraordinary place, because I thought to myself: “If I felt stronger just by looking at it, imagine what will happen when I actually go inside?”

My imagination raced in anticipation for that long-awaited day. Deep inside, I thought that it wouldn’t be fair to want the extraordinary from God if I wasn’t going to give Him my extraordinary. This was what I prayed for along with the bishops and pastors at midnight, on channel 21.

Every time I participated of the prayers, the conviction that God was with me grew more and more, because I was truly offering Him my all. On July 19th, I woke up early and rushed to Church to watch the transmission of the first day of inaugurations and, once again, God testified my extraordinary.

Wednesday (23) was my long-awaited day. I did not know what was going to happen, but I knew it was my special day with God. So, I prepared myself as if I were getting married. The day before, I carefully prepared my uniform, decided how to wear my makeup and do my hair, etc.

In the morning, I woke up around 8 am, grabbed my uniform and went to my hairdresser’s house so she could start preparing me. I wanted to be beautiful for God. Once I was completely ready, I registered the moment with a photo and posted it on a social network. Right away, I received an unexpected message: “You’re going there to be robbed?”

This made me reflect on the following question: “How will I be robbed?” A movie of my entire life flashed before my eyes, and that’s when I figured out how I was robbed.

When I was born, with only a few days of life, I contracted a severe case of meningitis, which brought my mother to the Church, and, in gratitude, she taught me to walk in the faith, always reminding me that Jesus healed me.

After my parents separated, my mother began working a lot because she wanted to provide me with a better life. So most of my childhood was spent with babysitters. On several occasions, I witnessed one of my babysitters being physically abused by her husband, who came home drunk every day.

I remember one day my mother came home from work, feeling super tired as usual, and went to pick me up at the babysitter’s house. However, she couldn’t go inside because her husband was beating her up. All I could do was cry at the sight of so much blood. I was only 5 years old at the time.

There was another babysitter where I stayed so often that I became a victim of pedophilia. I grew up with an inferiority complex, and felt guilty for everything that happened, because I couldn’t open up to anyone. I was afraid to speak to people, because I was ashamed of what they would think of me. I felt completely excluded. At school, my classmates would get together to pick on me.

I spent years carrying a burden that did not belong to me. I tried having as much of a normal life as possible, without ever telling anyone. My mother moved to another city, so I thought I would never see the person who caused me such pain anymore and maybe I could just forget it ever happened! I stayed for a while in another city, but when my grandmother had a stroke, we moved back home. Two years passed, and now, at the age of 15, I came across the pedophile again because he began coming over my family’s house all the time. I became desperate. Without anyone noticing, I began to fall into depression because I was always remembering what had happened. I was afraid.

Then, through an assistant of the Universal Church, I found help. I felt welcomed, because someone was finally giving me the attention I needed. She was always there for me and gave me all the necessary advice. This was when my deliverance process began, which took about two years. I was definitely robbed. I was robbed out of hell, because I would never be writing this to you if the Universal Church had not extended their hand to rescue me.

I had an encounter with God, and have never suffered because of old traumas again. God erased all of my past. It’s as if nothing ever happened to me. I have peace. God has blessed my life and I know He is going to do much more, because that is what He revealed to me when I set foot inside the Temple of Solomon to attend the 6pm meeting: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2.9

Oh, what a day! It’s marvelous to be able to be in this Holy Place. There are no words to describe each moment and each detail… this Holiness is everything I needed. I feel renewed, and I’m sure that I’ll be victorious. God has already done the extraordinary in me and is going to do so much more!

Karen Salvador