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Isaac was Abraham’s testimony, but…

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As a goal progresses, so will the level of surrender required. In the beginning, to restore and save the only existing humans, Adam and Eve, God sacrificed an animal and covered their shame with its skin, and this was enough.

However, when the goal became the Salvation of the entire planet, which now the number of people was multiplied by many, God had to sacrifice something much more valuable, which naturally brought a greater pain of loss than anything else, His Only Son!

This will surely answer those who ask:

“Why Isaac, if Abraham waited 25 years and went to the Alter several times to obtain this blessing? How would the promise that Abraham was going to be the father of many nations be fulfilled, when Isaac was not married and did not have children, and God was asking for him as a sacrifice?”

That’s right! Isaac was Abraham’s testimony, he was the fulfillment of his small dream (to have an heir), but it was the sacrificial offering necessary to fulfill God’s dream (making him the father of many nations).

So, why do we find people among us, within the very Church of the Lord Jesus, who’ve seen some good things happen and have even given their testimonies, but haven’t seen anything happen lately, and many of them no longer have the things they gave testimony about?

Because, unfortunately, they refuse to meet the demands of the faith. They refuse to give what God asks of them, justifying this by saying that what was asked, like Isaac, is their testimony, it’s what God gave them after much outcry and sacrifice.

My friend, awaken to the fact that God’s dream is much greater than yours, so the achievement, which is your testimony, is the element needed to realize the “God’s Dream”.

Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” Romans 4.18