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Jacob’s struggle

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“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4.7-8

The devil has no interest in running away from someone. On the contrary, his desire is to show what he can do in someone’s life, and why he is there; this is, to steal, kill and destroy.

He is capable of doing anything, so that he doesn’t have to leave a person’s marriage, health, love life, family, finances, etc.

But what is this power that the devil sees in someone’s life, which exceeds his strength to the point that he flees from him or her?

Surely, this happens when faith is embodied in a sacrifice. Through sacrifice, you are able to resist the devil. There is no other way. If he insists on staying in someone’s life, it is because he has not seen the power that destroys him. Especially since, resist means to strive to fend off, not run away, stand firm, not to succumb, not to yield. And only those who are tired of themselves and the life their leading will do this. It is because of this determination that they are able to put all their strength into the struggle and sacrifice.

This is what Jacob did when he wrestled with God at the ford of Jabbok:

“And He said, ‘Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Genesis 32.28

Struggle with men means to fight with himself because he did not want to be who he was. Struggle with God, in other words, means: “The Lord has to bless me because of the sacrifice that I made by distancing myself from everything – possessions, people – remaining alone with You!”

During Jacob’s struggle between himself and God, who lost? Surely it was not God, He is invincible. Jacob prevailed, but there was a loser. No doubt that it was the devil.

The day you find yourself alone with God on the altar, you will overcome the devil and he will flee from your life. Everyone saw that Jacob changed. Likewise, everyone will see your change.

The devil does not flee from money, even if it seems to be a lot. He flees from the sacrifice, though it may seem small. Because when he sees a sacrifice, he sees God.

This is the purpose of this Israel Challenge.