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Jesus, the Greeks, the Temple and you

Imagem de capa - Jesus, the Greeks, the Temple and you

Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn Andrew and Philip told Jesus. But Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.” John 12.20-23

There were people who went to Jerusalem with the sole purpose of participating in the annual feast –which had become a mere religious tradition for many–, and not with the intention of seeking God.

However, among so many, there were those who went with the intention of worship, because they wanted something more than just standing around admiring the walls or the architectural beauty of the Temple. They wanted a relationship with the Almighty. Among these people were the Greeks, who were known for their abundant knowledge. They were the thinkers of that time, and were even considered a superior race because of their “great philosophers”.

The Greeks did not go to Jerusalem to see the beauty of the Temple or its stones. Nor did they go with the urgent need to be healed or in search of material blessings. They wanted something much greater than all this: they wanted to SEE JESUS.

The Greeks had a thirst to learn about the One who was changing the lives of those who had an experience with Him. Within them, there was a desire to know Jesus, and, let’s not forget, they came from distant lands, enduring all the sacrifices that existed with traveling during those times. Yet, they had a clear objective, one desire, one thought: They wanted to SEE JESUS. This is very strong!

When Jesus heard this, He said: The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.

And this time will also come for all of us with the inauguration of the Temple, because all those who come will be seized with the same desire: To find the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and have the greatest of all the experiences they’ve had until today. We were given the privilege to be able to build the Temple of the Most High so that all the people, throughout the world, can come Worship and seek the Lord.

This is very strong! God gave this just for us, what a joy!