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Look up to Heaven

Imagem de capa - Look up to Heaven

When it comes to God, the place He chose to meet someone’s needs made no difference. The Lord Jesus met the needs of a multitude in the wilderness: the need of healing, deliverance and even the need to satisfy the hunger of thousands of people.

On one occasion, one of his disciples said: This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.

In the disciple’s opinion, that place was not conducive to realize a miracle of that magnitude, because there were no resources. After all, feeding thousands of people in the desert is not an easy task.

In other words: Miracles do not depend on where you are or the circumstances you are in, but that the Lord Jesus is present.

He then said: …you give them something to eat.
The disciples doubted and said: We have here only five loaves and two fish.
But Jesus said: Bring them here to Me… And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes. Matthew 14.15-19

When they placed the loaves and fish in the hands of Jesus, He looked up to heaven, and did not look at the amount, nor did He say: “That’s it?”
No! Our Lord just looked up to heaven, and this should also be our faith. Our eyes can never look to what is in our hands or to the circumstances around us. Instead, our eyes must be looking up to heaven.

When we do anything with our eyes looking up to heaven, this means we are looking to God, and surely God is also looking at us. Therefore, anything is possible!

Are your eyes looking up to heaven or at what is in your hands?