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Man of God

Imagem de capa - Man of God

A man of God grows his work by giving his life for the sheep, doing meetings and COUNSELING PEOPLE.

By getting to know the members of the Church, the pastor will understand their spiritual level, needs and burdens.

By doing most of the meetings and through one-on-one counseling, the man of God will set an example for future disciples.

The Lord Jesus said: Out of the treasure of our hearts we bring forth good things and bad things. Matthew 12.35

The old things are what we learned in the beginning, and the new things are what we have to implement, according to the need of the place where we work.

In Abraham’s time there were 318 men born in his house;

In Gideon’s time there were 300 mighty men;

In David’s time there were 400 soldiers;

In Jesus’ time there were 11 soldiers.

These men were special because they gave their lives for the ideal of God.

Today God is forming a New Army, and to be part of this army, each person must be special. They need to have character.

In the past, God’s army consisted of men who decided to solely do the will of God.

The men in God’s Army forsake the glory of this world, do not seek praise and are not influenced by the illusion of attaining the comfort of material things. They are slaves of the Lord, and it is their pleasure to serve the One who enlisted them. The glory of the man of God is to serve his Lord.

Because his life is surrendered and dedicated, the man of God has Divine authority. Everything is subject to Him, and the Word that comes out of his mouth causes supernatural things to happen.

The difficulties encountered in his workplace are seen as opportunities to write another chapter of victories in his ministry.

The man of God is determined to win souls, and his stubbornness is what causes his work to grow. He does not stand around looking at what he doesn’t have, instead, he works with the Name of God, the Word of God and the Spirit of God, and, for that reason, his work grows and flourishes anywhere.

It is not his appearance or clothes that identify him as a man of God, it’s his character, because God does not see the exterior.