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Modern Science x Bible

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Before the developments of space science, the Bible was considered a book of myths or legends. However, today science has proven that the Bible is a compilation of confirmed facts, and it corroborates with what is written in the Holy Scriptures.

Many things we believe to be scientifically accurate are not. In fact, history shows us that even what science defines as being true today, may be ridiculed in a hundred years.

Therefore, what can we be certain of? Is there anything that is “absolute” or absolutely true? The Bible is full of scientific and medical facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them. “But the Bible was written thousands of years ago. And we are in the 21st century!”. Exactly, the Bible was written thousands of years ago by men whose knowledge was much more limited than ours. So how could they have known these things when they had such limited knowledge?

Most people are not aware that the Bible was written over a period of 1,600 years, by more than 40 authors, in three continents and in three different languages. They mentioned hundreds of controversial subjects; however, they were all in perfect agreement. In fact, the more we learn, the more we discover that the Bible is SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE!



About 3,500 years ago, the concept of the universe during the Bronze Age was far from the truth. At that time, people did not even imagine that the Earth was suspended in space. Surprisingly, knowledge of modern astronomy was recorded in the Book of Job, which was written in the Bronze Age. Until 1687, when Isaac Newton discovered “the law of universal gravitation” and proved that the Earth floats in the universe, people did not believe in the words of the Bible… He hangs the earth on nothing, Job 26.7. The Bible describes the Earth as if a photograph had been taken from a satellite. But, as science advanced, it was proven that the accounts of the Bible are true. Science did not discover that the earth was not supported by anything until 1650. Note that radiocarbon dating proves that the Book of Job was written 3,500 years ago, during the Bronze Age.



The Bible says that God created everything according to their kinds (Genesis 1). Well, this is also what science indicates. We cannot find fossils that show a transition from species to species because there are none. Science shows adaptations within species (microevolution), but not an evolutionary transition, the transition from one species to another (macro-evolution). It agrees with the Bible about this.



Many people find it absurd that all of the human race may have come from only two people (Adam and Eve). However, science relies on what can be observed, tested. Human reproduction is observable, testable. A man and a woman can produce a third person, and so on, for a period of time, until they form a larger population; science corroborates this. No other generation of human population was ever observed and tested by science.



People did not understand the biological nature of germs until more recent centuries. Even so, the laws of cleanliness and food in the Old Testament demonstrate knowledge of the presence of germs. But these instructions were given by God thousands of years before man even understood how germs were transmitted, or what they were.



The Bible also noted the translational movement of the sun, 3,000 years ago.

Which (sun) is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end… Psalm 19.5-6

However, it was only in the 20th century that man discovered the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. “The sun rotates at a speed of 250 km/s” – Astronomer Bertill Lindblad, due to the development of science, it was proven that the Bible is true.



3,500 years ago, the Bible accurately described the interior of the Earth: As for the earth, from it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire. Job 28.5

This is basic knowledge of the geoscience that the core of the Earth we inhabit is a burning lake of fire. However, until the 19th century, people considered the Words of God, that there was a lake of fire within the Earth, to be an absurd. This is because the internal structure of the Earth was only discovered in the 20th century.

Geophysicist Andrija Mohorovicic – discovered the mantle in 1905 using seismic waves.

Geophysicist Beno Gutenberg – discovered the outer core of the Earth in 1930.

Geophysicist Inge Lehmann – discovered the inner core of the Earth in 1936.

Therefore, modern science proves that the Bible is true.



There are 3 stages of the water cycle: evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Solar energy evaporates millions of tons of water from the surface of oceans and rivers. When this vapor condenses and forms clouds, and when these vapor clouds collide and form water droplets, it rains. The water cycle was not discovered until the 16th and 17th centuries. Pierra Perrault and Edmundo Mariotte discovered the water cycle through experiments. About 3,500 years ago, nobody knew about the water cycle. Even so, the Bible (which was written around this time) registered this cycle. For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist, which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man. Job 36.27

In other words, the accounts registered in the Bible are true.



Around the year 610 BC, Jeremiah, a writer, was inspired to write: As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me. Jeremiah 33.22

Therefore, in 7th century BC, this inspiration taught that the stars are innumerable. It is impossible to count them, just like it is impossible to count the sand of the beaches. Have you tried counting all of the grains of sand at the beach? Or even just the amount in a handful? It’s impossible, right? But in Jeremiah’s time, Greek astronomers taught that there were no more than 1,002 stars in the Universe. When Galileo put together the first telescope in 1609, he could count 100,000 stars. A few years later, he built a new two and a half inch telescope and counted 300,000 stars. Today, the great 200-inch telescope on Mount Palomar, California, shows so many stars that we can’t even count them all. From the 7th century BC to the present, the statements written in the Bible have been proven to be increasingly accurate – stars cannot be counted.

Astronomers discovered about 200,000,000 stars that belong to other galaxies similar to ours. One of them is about fifty times greater than ours. There are stars that were photographed 9,000,000 light years away! This gives us a faint idea of the infinite size of our Universe.



Matthew Maury (1806-1873) is considered the father of oceanography, also called Oceanology. He noticed the expression “the paths of the seas” in Psalm 8.8 (written 2,800 years before) and said, “If God said there are paths of the seas, I’m going to find them.” Maury literally believed what God said and went to look for these paths, and we owe much to his discovery of the hot and cold continental currents. His book on oceanography includes basic text on the subject and is still used in universities.



God asked Job a very strange question in 1,500 BC. He asked: Can you send out lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, ‘Here we are!’? Job 38.35. This seems to be a scientifically ludicrous statement – that light can be sent, and then manifest itself as speech. But did you know that all electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves to X-rays, travel at the speed of light? This is why it is possible to make an instant wireless call to someone on the other side of the world. The fact that light could be sent, and then manifest itself as speech was not discovered by science until 1846 (3.300 years later), when “British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing” (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia).



Three different places in the Bible (Isaiah 51.6, Psalm 102.25-26, and Hebrews 1.11) indicate that the Earth is deteriorating. This is what the Second Law of Thermodynamics (the law of increasing entropy) states: with all physical processes, over time all ordered systems tend to become more disordered. Everything is wearing out and deteriorating as energy is becoming increasingly scarce. This means that the Universe will deteriorate to the point that (in theory) there will be a “thermic energy death” and there will be no more energy available for use. This was only recently discovered by science, but the Bible confirms this in a concise form.



Scripture says, Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. Genesis 2.1. The original text in Hebrew uses the participle to indicate an action that was completed in the past would never happen. Creation was “finished” once and for all. That is exactly what the first law of thermodynamics says. This law (often called the law of conservation of energy or mass) states that neither mass nor energy can be created or destroyed.

It was because of this law that the theory of “Immutable State” or “Continuous Creation” was disregarded. Hoyle said that in certain points of the universe called “irtrons”, matter or energy was being created constantly. But the first law of thermodynamics states exactly the opposite. There really is no “creation” occurring today. Everything is “finished”, just as the Bible says.



In Genesis 6, God revealed to Noah the dimensions of the ark he should build, which would be of 42 million cubic liters. In 1609, in Hoorn, in the Netherlands, a ship was built according to these measures (30-5-3), revolutionizing ship construction. Around the year 1900, all large ships in the oceans had approximately the same proportions of the ark (confirmed by “Lloyd’s Register of Ships” in the World Almanac).



The Bible described a “cycle” of air currents 2,000 years before scientists discovered them: The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north; the wind whirls about continually, and comes again on its circuit, Ecclesiastes 1.6. We now know that the air around the Earth revolves in giant circles, clockwise in one hemisphere and counterclockwise in the other hemisphere.



“In antiquity and in what was called the Dark Ages, men did not know what they now know about humanity and the cosmos. They did not know the lock but they possessed the key, which is God. Now many have excellent descriptions of the lock, but they lost the key. The proper solution is union between religion and science. We should be owners of the lock and the key. The fact is that as science advances, it discovers what was said thousands of years ago in the Bible” Richard Wurmbrand, Proofs of God’s Existence.



And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being, Genesis 2.7. For those who do not take book of Genesis seriously, in November 1982, Reader’s Digest published an article titled “How Life on Earth Began”. This article stated that, according to scientists at the NASA Research Center in Ames, the necessary ingredients to form a human can be found IN CLAY. The article also stated “the biblical scenario for the creation of life turns out to be NOT FAR OFF THE MARK”. (Reader’s Digest, November 1982, p. 116).



And when he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing, wash his clothes, and bathe his body in RUNNING WATER; then he shall be clean. Leviticus 15.13

God said to wash infected flesh in RUNNING WATER. Science did not discover this fact until the late 1800s, by two men named Pasteur and Koch. All the doctors in a hospital washed their hands in the same basin of water, day after day, and disseminated germs with the speed, ease and mortality of a fire spreading through a dry bush. It was not until the invention of the microscope and the development of the science of bacteriology that doctors started washing their hands under RUNNING WATER. Leviticus was written around 1490 BC, SCIENCE WAS ABOUT 3000 YEARS TOO LATE!



Go to the ant… gathers her food in the harvest… Proverbs 6.6-8. One of the entomological enigmas discovered in the last century has to do with this observation made by Solomon. There was no evidence proving that ants actually collect food during the harvest. However, in 1871, a British naturalist revealed that Solomon was right after all… How did Solomon know about this in 1,000 BC? How did Solomon clearly state a scientific FACT that was IMPOSSIBLE for him to know in 1,000 BC?



A merry heart does good, like medicine… Proverbs 17.22

An article in The Birmingham News, titled “Laughter: Prescription for Health”, said the latest medical evidence reveals that “At some point during laughter, your body issues a prescription from the pharmacy in your brain”. How did the writer of Proverbs know that – 3,000 YEARS AHEAD OF MEDICAL SCIENCE?



For the life of the flesh is in the blood… Leviticus 17.11

This is the most accurate scientific statement ever written about blood! It is the blood that carries on all the life processes of the body. It is the blood that causes growth, builds new cells, grows bone and flesh, stores fat, makes hair and nails. It is the blood that feeds and supports all the organs of the body. If the blood supply is cut off from an arm, this arm will immediately begin to die and rot. It is the blood that repairs the body. It is the blood that clots wounds, grows new flesh, new skin and even new nerves. It is the blood that fights diseases. When they give you a vaccine against a disease, they give you a shot into your bloodstream. For thousands of years, doctors treated by a practice called “bleeding”. They thought illnesses could be cured by removing blood. In 1799, less than 200 years ago, George Washington was literally bled to death. Doctors bled poor George four times, the last time they took over a quart of his blood! They didn’t know, but they were literally draining away his life by removing his blood. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that a man named Dr. Lister discovered that the blood provides the body’s immune system – THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD!

The Birmingham Post Herald, February 26, 1988, told the story of Mike Thomas. He was working at a construction site when he fell 70 feet. As he was falling, a cable wrapped around his arm and severed his hand a few inches above the wrist. A coworker carried his severed hand to the hospital. Because of the serious internal injuries, doctors could not reattach Thomas’ hand. Instead, they attached his hand to blood vessels on his abdomen wall to “keep it alive”.

Two months later, the doctors removed it from his abdomen and reattached it to his arm. Exactly what the Bible said in 1490 BC! Keep feeding that hand blood, and it will stay alive – THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD!

I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent… Where is the wise?… Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (…) But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God chose the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1.19-20, 27-29



Through science, great researchers were absolutely convinced that God exists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Louis Pasteur, Henri Fabre and the Wright Brothers prove that the Bible is true.


“The Universe has been wrought for us by a supremely good and orderly Creator.”

Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus


“The most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. And in the explanation of His power He is called God.”

Physicist Isaac Newton

Scientific discoveries reveal a universe that agrees with religious opinions.”

Nobel Prize in Physics, Charles Townes


“The Almighty has sufficiently demonstrated His Greatness in both Scripture and science. The problem is not a deficiency on God’s part but rather a dimness.”

Professor Richard A. Swenson, University of Wisconsin