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Mount Hermon Prevails

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying?” Matthew 18.12

The sheep that were on the mountain represent those who have faith to sacrifice. They only depend on the One who called them to the mountain (the place of sacrifice). They live in green pastures, and this is where they receive guidance to handle their business, family, love life, etc.

They are protected and are untouchable, because they obey.

They are different from the sheep that went astray, because they stopped sacrificing.

Because of this, he was lost, disoriented, without knowing what to do with his life, and at the mercy of the devil. Experiencing a bitter life, like those who have never sacrificed on the mountain.

The campaign of Mount Hermon – the Mount of Transformation – was, is and will be for all those who want to prevail, and are willing to sacrifice.

It is for those who left, but want to ascend the mountain again.

It is for those who have never had a taste of God’s power and are willing to obey.

After all, those who are on the mountain, the Place of Sacrifice, are with God.

And if He is with us, who will be against us?