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My ‘Let There be Light’ Moment

A testimony on autism…

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Hello Mrs. Josi!

My name is Daiana. I am 35 years old and I am an assistant. While watching Bishop Macedo’s video and a programme with the Boccoli family, a real ‘Let There be Light’ moment happened in my life.

I got married young, at the age of 21. My husband was very handsome and, at the time, a promising engineer and member of the church. In 10 years of marriage, we only thought about our financial life. We worked and studied hard in order to fulfil our personal dreams.

We achieved many things, but the EVIL DAY came. In January 2019, my mother-in-law passed away and my sister-in-law started demonstrating mental problems. In November 2019, my mother also passed away. It was then that my husband started blaming himself a lot for everything that was happening. He had always been an angry person who would just explode, and sometimes, would even break things inside our house. But I thought that this was “normal”, “a manly thing”, and that it would all pass.

In March 2020, with the outbreak of the pandemic and the lockdown of our city, he got much worse. I believe that being trapped inside a house reactivated something in him that he used to do in his childhood. When something got out of his control at home or at work, he would throw himself on the floor, hitting himself or banging his head on the wall. He would hurt himself. And I would always throw myself in front of him in order to stop it. These were horrible attacks, which were getting more and more constant. When they were over, he would be exhausted and would go to sleep. He would just say that he was angry… that it was no big deal.

I even thought that my husband was possessed by a demon and that he needed spiritual help – but he didn’t want it. In May 2021, we caught Covid. He became very ill psychologically and physically. He was admitted to hospital and was intubated for 15 days. He passed away at the age of 42.

After the testimony of the Boccoli family, I now believe that, in truth, my husband had a small degree of autism. He was an introvert but highly intelligent – the smartest person I have ever met in my life. He learned 5 languages on his own, was an electrical engineer with a master’s degree from a federal college and was studying to become a diplomat.

In the 15 years that I lived with my husband, I learned the POWER OF THE WORD. Even without really understanding what was going on, I began to pay close attention to everything I “promised” him, because if they were not kept, it would trigger a “nervous breakdown” in him.

Today I can say that I have become “autistic of faith.” In the same way that God will fulfil all his promises in my life, I will also fulfil everything that I promised to God one day.

I thank God so much for your life and for showing me, through your testimony, what was happening all this time in my life, which I had not realised.

I have been diving headfirst into my communion with God and in my service to the Work of God. Each day, God has been showing me His love, care and mercy. God has not left me orphaned and has never let me lack anything, for I have thrown myself every day at His feet.

I am sure that my husband was saved and that God is giving me a second chance to make a difference in my life.

May God continue blessing you and your family more every day!

imagem do author

Josi Boccoli