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thumb do blog Bishop Macedo

My testimony


My decision to leave the church where I converted had nothing to do with rebelliousness or personal reasons. As a matter of fact, it was quite the contrary. Before leaving, I spoke to Bishop Tito Oscar, and told him about my willingness to win souls. At that time, I was not involved in any activity or group in the church. All I did was some evangelistic work on my own such as visiting people in hospital and distributing leaflets.

I asked that bishop for an opportunity to help my brother-in-law, Bishop Jorcelino, in Teresópolis, but he didn’t agree.

In the face of his decision, I was left no other option but to exclude myself from the church and begin saving souls somewhere else.

I had been a member of that church for more than eight years. I was baptized in waters and with the Holy Spirit, and lived my life based on the Word preached there. In that church, I met Esther, and we got married. In that church, our daughters, Cristiane and Viviane, were presented to God. In that church, we faithfully congregated on Wednesdays and Sundays.

When I left the church, I didn’t complain about anything. I had no reason for that. On the contrary, even after leaving the congregation, I maintained a good relationship with all the bishops and pastors.


I didn’t leave the church feeling anger towards anybody, nor did I try to persuade anyone to follow me—not even my wife and children followed me.

I left alone. But, I was sure of one thing: the Spirit of God was with me.

It reminds me of when the Apostle Paul was sent to the Gentiles (Galatians 1.15-17).

Nowadays, some people leave our midst feeling so much hatred and anger… Why? They leave because they are not of God. If they were, they would not leave.

But God allows them to leave so that they may start their own “church” and take with them all those who have the same spirit.

In this way, they make our load a lot lighter.

Thank God!