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Outward Corruption

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God knows man’s most intimate conflicts very well. He also faced them when He was in the world.

His prayer: “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26.39), reflects this well.

In the battle between the outward and inward, soul and spirit, heart and reason, flesh and Spirit, there is always a winner, who decides the ultimate destiny of the soul.

The Spirit of God doesn’t always overcome the flesh. This is because the flesh, the outward, the soul or the heart – all end up being the same – is not subject to the law (God’s will), nor can it be! Romans 8.7

However, man’s outward corruptions, this is, the works of the flesh, do not have the power to annul the spiritual values of the inward man. Only if he allows this to happen…

Because the inward man has many resources to neutralize the outward man.

Confession of sins, repentance, prayer, fasts, sackcloth… This is, there are many ways to get back up.

For example, he fell into sin. In the meantime, the devil begins to accuse him insistently. His conscience hurts. He knows he is wrong.

What should he do? Allow himself to become discouraged or use the tools of faith to rise back up?

Aware of forgiveness through a sincere confession, he reacts and immediately receives forgiveness by faith.

From this moment on, he makes all efforts to return to the original state of peace with God, because he abandoned sin and the past.

And so, one more life is rescued through practical faith, which has nothing to do with feelings. Simple obedience.

This is the faith that was taught by Paul when he tells us not to be discouraged by the weakness of the flesh.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4.16