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Servant, called, sanctified and preserved

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Jude, a SERVANT of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to those who are CALLED, SANCTIFIED by God the Father, and PRESERVED in Jesus ​​Christ. Jude 1.1

As I read this first verse of the letter of Judas (a different Judas, not the traitor), four words caught my attention.


The first condition needed to do the Work of God is to make myself fully available to our LORD JESUS.

If there is any self-interest, the smallest personal intention, I lose the condition of being a true servant.


The letter is addressed to those who were called.

When we are called by God to do His work, we must sacrifice our lives on the Altar to become chosen.


This means to be separated from the world, from sin, from malice, from iniquity, this is, to live in this world without being part of it anymore.


This is the secret of Salvation.

Remain chosen and sanctified until the last day.

During their journey of faith, many eventually are overcome by time.

They start well, but they don’t reach the end.

Only those who remain firm until the end have the right to eternal life.

Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2.10