The difference between an unrighteous and overly righteous person
The unrighteous have nothing to hide, the righteous are transparent, but the overly righteous are hiding something. Why is that?
“Do not be overly righteous, nor be overly wise: Why should you destroy yourself?” Ecclesiastes 7.16
What is the difference between an unrighteous person and an overly righteous person? Apparently, there is a big difference, but after closely examining the text, we find that there is none.
Behind all unrighteous acts, there is an evil spirit. The Spirit of God is the foundation of righteousness. So what spirit is behind an overly righteous person? Considering that he destroys, it cannot be the Spirit of God, so it has to be an evil spirit.
This evil spirit works with pride. If an unrighteous person is proud, an overly righteous person is even more proud. Both have faith in God, but the spirit of pride will not let them live by faith.
On the other hand, the righteous, who live by faith, are humble. Surely, the overly righteous person practices too much righteousness to try to hide what’s really inside. This usually happens with a person who is not born of God.
Take a look at Job. God purposely showed his qualities to the devil: “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil.” Job 1.8
What sin could a person who is blameless, upright, God fearing and shuns evil possibly have? Apparently none, but even with these qualities, it does not mean that he had an encounter with God – though everyone who the Lord Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit has these qualities.
The devil says to many people, “You’re perfect, honest, what harm do you do?” Because of this, they do not consider themselves lost, or see themselves as sinners.
How can God save someone who is like this? How can a proud spirit live with a humble spirit? There is no dialogue between the proud and the humble.
Even after losing everything, Job was still blameless, upright, God fearing and shunned away evil, but he used these qualities to justify himself before God. Losing everything and hitting rock bottom, served to make Job consider that, even though he was who he was, he was still lost.
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42.5-6
“I abhor myself, and repent” (humbleness): this is the path that leads to a new birth and then the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
For those who are blameless, upright, God fearing and shun evil, the path to having an encounter with God is through humbleness.
Where there is pride, there is the devil.
Where there is humbleness, there is the God of Jacob.