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The god of hatred


“He who is of God hears God’s words…” (John 8:47). But he who preaches or teaches the same Word must be the first to practise it.

In this message, the Lord Jesus separates the weeds from the wheat, defining very well those who belong to Him and those who don’t. He does this in order to warn His true servants.

When a person is born of God, the biggest and most evident characteristic is the change of character. No matter how much of a liar, cheat, or bad-tempered a person he is, after the new birth he is transformed as from water into wine.

I am witness to this. I remember my bad temper very well. Forgiveness did not have a place in my life. I spent two years without speaking to my sister. I was extremely bad-tempered and irritable. But after being born of the Spirit, I became like a child. Everything changed in me. I surprised myself and my family, to the extent of becoming a stranger in my own house. My thoughts and plans changed—and so did my attitudes. Everyone noticed the big difference in my behaviour and in the way I spoke.

Sometimes, because of problems caused by dishonest people, we become angry. But it immediately goes away. And when the anger persists, I pray for them and again peace reigns. It’s a wonderful thing to have a clear conscience.

I have seen the destruction that the spirit of hatred, confusion and deceit has caused in the wheat field of my God. I know how dangerous it is for the new converts when the Lord Jesus is not yet formed in them. And the devil knows it too. That’s why his hatred grows and spreads. My soul agonises. But what can I do? Force them to stay? I can’t. I hope, by faith, that one day the veil is lifted and they repent and return to their first love.

I totally understand Paul’s words when he said, “For whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19).

The desire for success at any cost instigates lack of fear and respect for the Work of God. Worse even: rebelliousness. Unfortunately, this problem has always occurred throughout the history of the Kingdom of God. My advice is that you meditate on the verse below, and let it be a warning to you.

“He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” (John 8:47)

In other words, those who reject the words of Jesus are not of God.