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The Kingdom of God

Imagem de capa - The Kingdom of God

After creation, God made Adam and Eve to build His Kingdom on Earth. They failed, and the Kingdom of God on Earth had to wait.

Because of spiritual and moral corruption, the Lord had to destroy mankind and start all over again with Noah and his family.

However, they also failed, and mankind’s corruption prevailed. Once again, the Kingdom of God on Earth was not established.

For this reason, the Lord called Abraham to establish a nation that was distinguished from the rest. A kingdom where Justice would prevail and His people serve as the frame of reference for God on Earth. But the descendants of Abraham also failed, and the Kingdom of God on Earth had to wait.

Finally, since He was not able to establish His Kingdom through mankind, God sent His Son Jesus to establish Him in the hearts of those who wanted.

The Lord Jesus began His Kingdom on Earth through the twelve apostles. Also called the Church, the citizens of the Kingdom of God on Earth would be led by the Spirit of God. This is why, led by the Holy Spirit, Peter addresses his letter to the true disciples of Jesus, saying:

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2.9

Therefore, the members that make up the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ do not defend any denominational flag.

Instead, they defend their communion with God the Father, through God the Son, under the guidance of God the Holy Spirit;
They defend their Salvation;
They defend their relationship with God;
They defend their character as a priest (servant) of the Most High;
They defend the righteousness of the Kingdom of God;
They defend the fact that they are the exclusive property of God;
This is, they defend their supernatural faith.
This is called life, and life in abundance.