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The Secret Place of the Most High

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“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91.1-2

With so many tragedies, violence, death plaguing mankind, “the love of many growing cold”, insecurities, fear, despair and the feeling of blatant helplessness on people’s faces, the question that refuses to keep quiet is: how can you protect yourself from the attacks of evil?

There is only one place that can protect us, a place where we can feel safe: the “secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty”. There, we are surrounded by the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What harm can befall us? Not even all of hell can touch us, only if they can manage to get over the bodies of these three loyal Guardians.

There is only one way for a person to be affected by the devil in this situation: when he draws them out of the secret place. The devil cannot defeat God, but he can exploit human weakness, like a mother would do with a child when she wants to take his picture. She shakes the rattle behind the camera to attract the baby’s attention.

The devil does the same with those who abide in the secret place of the Most High: he shakes the rattle called sex, need of love, corruption to achieve financial gain, colorful world, internet impurities, etc.

This is what he did with Adam and Eve: he shook the rattle, which attracted their attention to the tree, which was a kind of “tithe” that belonged to the Lord. Adam and Eve lived in the secret place of the Most High, and the devil could not touch them, but he could make suggestions. They were lured by satanic suggestions, and disobeyed God.

When we look back, we see millions of bodies lying in the desert: former members, former assistants, former pastors and former bishops that once lived under the “shadow of the Almighty” and today are spiritually dead, simply waiting for the time when they’ll be brought to the kingdom of darkness – unless they sincerely repent.

It is time to reflect and invest more and more in our communion with God, so that we may develop our salvation with “fear and trembling”, Philippians 2.12.

God bless you.