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The Spirit of a Woman of God

Imagem de capa - The Spirit of a Woman of God

Dear Dad,

I have so much to tell you about Sunday, about how I was blessed, renewed, revived, and felt appreciated before God. But, today I would like to tell you how much I was proud of you, as I saw Mom and Viviane at your side on Mount Hermon.

You know Dad, my eyes filled with water because it was as if God was showing us a woman’s worth before all of His Church. You wanted to know their opinion, you wanted to hear what they had to say, and for me, it’s as if all us women were also being heard on that Sacred Mountain.

Though we already know our worth before God, these small big gestures reinforce our worth. For me, this was the best part of Sunday’s meeting! Because I saw how important we are to Him in His Work, and how the Holy Spirit longs to use us. And if we could just see our own worth: a helper, that helps, contributes, adds, encourages and brings the stability that man so desperately needs, we would do our part with His guidance.

God gave us the same role as His Spirit: to be Helpers! And even though the Holy Spirit is SUBJECT to the spirit of man, the wise man listens to His voice. This means that the Spirit of God, which is GREATER than us, mere humans, subjects Himself to us to be our HELPER. So, why won’t women, who are equal to man, do the same? Only those who are foolish will refuse to be helpers! These women want to be helped by men and are therefore frustrated, bitter and live in solitude. They diminish themselves!

Oh, what a day!

Today, I can say how much I appreciate being a woman of God. I will never diminish myself, because those who do are also diminishing the Spirit that is in them. Thank you for always appreciating Mom, and for always appreciating women and everything they do!

Mom may not be involved with many projects and events, but she has always been by your side, she always gave her opinion and was appreciated by you. You never diminished her. And, like you, my husband has also appreciated me, which allows me to be the helper I was born to be.

Oh, it is a pleasure to be what we were born to be!

If all men would do this, women would understand their worth and also bring them the pleasure of having a helper at their side.

However, until this happens, here is my appreciation to all those who have done this for us. And you Dad are one of them!

In faith!!