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The Spirit of Fear

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Just like rebellion is a spirit of the devil, the fear of the Lord is one of the seven Spirits of God:

“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD,” Isaiah 11.2

The fear of the Lord, within the heart, maintains holiness “…hate evil. Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate…” Proverbs 8.13

Faith in God gives us the certainty that we are always the focus of His eyes. Even when we are away from the Church and the pastor, and are faced with temptations of the flesh, in situations that are hidden from the human eye, the Holy Spirit is there assessing our actions and registering everything in heavenly books.

For example, take a look at Joseph’s situation when he was in Egypt. He was a young man, with his libido at its prime, attractive, to the point where he called the attention of his master Potiphar’s wife. She planned a seductive attack that was almost irresistible – considering that she was a beautiful woman. After all, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the renowned Egyptian guards, would not have a wife that was bereft of an admirable beauty. But inside the slender body of Joseph lived the Spirit of fear, which made him aware that if he was to give in to the whims of his flesh, he would be destroying the dream that God had planned out for him – a life of success, especially, a successful life of faith with God. Read this story in Genesis 37, it will surely enlighten you.

We cannot forget about the tithe, which is a matter of recognition of the Lordship of Jesus, of loyalty, obedience, but also a lot of fear, because the Universal Church does not know the about the finances of its assistants and members. We do not know their salaries, if they bought or sold something, the Church doesn’t have a secretary that registers whether or not you’re tithing correctly, therefore the importance of fear.

When fear lives in the heart of an assistant or member, he is aware that any amount of money that he gets his hands on, such as his paycheck, a sale, etc., he won’t need someone to remind him of what he has to do, because he knows his responsibility to obey the instructions given by God, through the mouth of His prophet Malachi, to give back to the Lord what is rightly His.

We have a lot to talk about in regards to fear in other aspects as well, but let’s stick to what we wrote, only adding that the fear of God “turns one away from the snares of death” Proverbs 14.27. This means that when you lose the fear of God, a spiritual bankruptcy of faith, communion and holiness occurs, and a life of complete destruction without God follows.

Assistants, seek the fear of God on a daily basis, meaning every day and every night, so that He never parts away from your HEART, PRONOUNCING, THEREFORE, A SPIRITUAL DEATH.