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The Spirit of God

Imagem de capa - The Spirit of God

It is in our human nature to take everything as a joke. Even when dealing with a difficult situation there is always someone ready to make a joke about it. Not even death escapes this mocking spirit.

But, for those who know the Word of God, it is impossible not to respect the final destination of the soul.

In this case, the matter is extremely serious and should not be made into a joke.

While addressing the Roman Christians, Paul strongly warned them, saying:

Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God lives in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. Romans 8.8-9

Paul eliminates any doubt regarding the spiritual condition of those who belong and those who do not belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, though they also confess to be Christians.

Either you have or you do not have the Holy Spirit.

There’s no way around it. Those who do not have the Spirit of the Lord Jesus are not His!

There is no way for you to argue, defend or guarantee that you are of God, a Christian, have been faithful to Him, etc.

You may even speak in tongues, heal the sick, preach the Gospel, cast out demons… Matthew 7.22

The only thing that guarantees you are of God is to be possessed by His Spirit.

Each person’s behavior clearly shows whether or not they belong to the Lord Jesus.

Often, the traits of the tares remain camouflaged until their fruits begin to show (character, respect, fear…)

But sooner or later, the difference between those who are and those who are not is unmistakable.

The fact is:

…he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. I Corinthians 6.17

And this, no one can change!