The UCKG attends the STF inaugural ceremony
Recently, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God attended the inaugural ceremony of the new justice of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), Luis Edson Fachin. Nominated by President Dilma Rousseff, the lawyer took the chair, which was left by former Minister Joaquim Barbosa, who retired in July of last year. The ceremony, which took place in the plenary court, brought together various authorities and was led by Chief Justice Ricardo Lewandowski.
The Universal Church was represented by Bishop Domingos Siqueira.
But why did the institution attend an event like this?
The Universal Church considers of paramount importance for the Brazilian people to be active in the nation’s institutions. Our presence represents more than 8 million people before the public institutions and their representatives. We need to enforce the conviction that a secular State like Brazil, which fortunately does not have an official religion, is not a State that disrespects or ignores the religions and beliefs of its people.
And as proof of recognition of the relevance of the Universal Church, it was given a special seat among parliamentarians, governors and other important authorities.
The Supreme Court is the highest court of Brazil. It consists of 11 judges, called ministers. They have the last word in the Judiciary Power over any legal proceedings in Brazil, to decide if a law goes against our Constitution, and criminally prosecute and try the president, congressmen, senators and ministers.
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 1 Timothy 2.1-2