Three kinds of servants
The servants of God are all those who have been called, chosen, and contemplated with the Holy Spirit. The Most High relies on their work to fulfill His Plan of Salvation. But unfortunately, many of these servants, instead of acting as workers together with Him (2 Corinthians 6.1), have prevented more people from knowing the Lord Jesus by behaving contrary to His Will.
In the Word of God, through a parable, He shows us the profile of the servant that pleases Him (Matthew 25.14-30). This profile can be resumed to two qualities: good and faithful. But, what do these characteristics mean? How do they interfere with the growth of the Kingdom of God? And what if one of them is not found in a servant of the Most High?
The good servantis the one who bears fruit, is competent, puts all his strength in what he does and develops the capacity he possesses. His achievements are notable. Skillful, he adds to the Kingdom of God and multiplies the talent he received from his Lord. Indifference and self-indulgence are not part of his vocabulary.
Now, the servant that is considered faithfulcarries within himself the sincere intention of glorifying the Lord Jesus. He is aware that he has been chosen for a purpose greater than his own life. With a pure heart, he considers the Sovereignty of God and knows that he can’t do anything without Him. It is real and has character.
This is why, among us, we see many servants who are good but not faithful, and many servants who are faithful but not good.There are also some that are good and faithful, but they are very few.
The first mentioned achieve striking results in their work, but they intend to glorify themselves through it. They do it for themselves, not for God. They wish, in some way, to achieve personal benefits through their ministry. For this reason, they may harm the Salvation of others, since there is a risk of them creating some kind of scandal.
On the other hand, there are those who, though they please the Lord with their intentions, haven’t made the most of what they do. There are relapses; they do not seek to make a difference. They do not challenge themselves, they do not grow and are content with very little. They aren’t saving more people because they lack effort.
Lastly, the good and faithful are those who please God in what they do and who they are. Visionaries, they seek greater things to present to the Lord excellent results, because they delight in satisfying Him and exalting Him in this world. They give themselves purely to save more people.
The question is: which of these three kinds of servant are you?
Keep watch, servant of God! Do not let your personal ambition or self-indulgence prevent Salvation from reaching other people! Watch your weaknesses, for the Most High is counting on you in His Great Work! Present yourself always to Him as a complete servant, whose hands are calloused, but whose heart is clean.