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To obey is to believe

Imagem de capa - To obey is to believe

God only showed Abraham where he should go after he obeyed and left Haran. By doing this, he became a blessing and was multiplied. This is, obedience causes God to act.

In the passage of the multiplication, Jesus blessed the loaves of bread and fish, but He did not multiply them. Though the Lord Jesus had, and has, the power to do so, it was the faith of the disciples in obeying His command that caused the miracle to happen:

And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among them all. Mark 6.41

If the multiplication happened in the hands of the Lord Jesus, there would be no need for Him to break the loaves, and the Bible would not say that He divided the two fish… what He did was bless. Jesus did not say He would multiply anything, instead He said to the disciples,“You give them something to eat…”(Mark 6.37).

The disciples believed in the blessing and obeyed the command to distribute it to the people. Therefore, the multiplication happened in the hands of the disciples as they handed it out…

There is no other way about it, those who want to see the greatness of God in their life, those who want to obtain the promises of God, have to obey, have to leave their Haran, their world, their ideas, opinions, ways, contradict what is logical, deny their “will” and obey the Voice of God!

To obey is to believe! Those who obey become the blessing, multiply and make a difference.