Treasured Possession 1
“They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.” Malachi 3:17-18 (ESV)
God is the Supreme Creator, the Great Lord of Heaven and the entire Universe. All glory, wealth and splendor belong exclusively to Him.
When He mentions My Treasured Possession, this means that the rest of creation is inferior to His Personal Treasure.
Believe it or not, the infinite universe is not more valuable than His Treasured Possession.
To be considered a Treasured Possession we would have to be much more valuable than all of His creation. Otherwise, it would make no sense for us to be called a Treasured Possession.
God created all things by means of His Word. But when He created human beings, His masterpiece, He used His own Hands. We were the only part of creation made by His Hands.
Curiously, His most glorious work was the only part of all creation that rebelled, and continues to rebel against Him: human beings.
And so, to rescue humanity and make it His Treasured Possession, He had to pay a price that could not be matched, even if all the treasures in Heaven and the Universe were put together.
In other words, the cost of rescuing His Masterpiece was greater than all of creation put together. Even if we gathered together the archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim together with the rest of heaven’s beings, they would not be of sufficient value to pay this ransom.
Only God Himself could do the work of rescuing humanity. Nothing and no one could be a substitute for Him.
And so, He had to give, to endure division in order to regain His Masterpiece. For the first time in the history of Heaven and the Creation, God the Son, Jesus, had to be separated from the Trinity—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—and come to earth as a man.