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Trying to convince those who do not believe

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If you live your life trying to prove to those who do not believe that they are wrong, you’ll be committing two mistakes. First, you will be wasting your time.

You must understand that it is not your job to convince those who do not believe. Believing or not believing is a choice that reveals what is inside each person. This is why malicious, cowardly, dishonest, pessimistic, perverse and other people with negative descriptive adjectives tend to not believe. And why sincere, optimistic, good and righteous people usually do believe. Have you noticed? Believing, or not, is the result of what is inside you.

This is why it’s useless to try and change the opinion of a person that is more attached to their own opinion then listening to reason. There are people who need to criticize to feel better about their negative feelings. It is as if criticism validates their negativity.

The second mistake is that while you are worrying about those who do not believe, you aren’t doing your best for those who do believe. Those who believe are the ones who deserve your attention. They are the ones who support, applaud, cheer and recognize the value of your work. They are the ones who ask for more. Honor them.

Instead of keeping a list in your heart with the names of those who attacked, criticized, scorned, ridiculed and laughed at you, remember your fans, who root for you.

The worst feeling is not hate, its indifference. When you are creating something that matters, touching lives, daring to go beyond the ordinary, you will be hated by some and attacked by others. Don’t worry about it. You should worry if no one reacts, whether it’s one way or another – because this means you aren’t creating anything that matters.

Those who appreciate and love your work are your best advocates. Their transformed lives are the best hope for those who do not believe.